163rd Annual General Meeting results

The 163rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place at Donnington Valley Hotel on Monday 24 February 2020.

By voting, members were able to decide who should be on the Society’s Board of Directors and also have their say on a number of resolutions.

The results were as follows:

  In favour   Against  With abstentions/ withheld  Total   % in favour (exl. abstentions) 
The Annual Report and Accounts 31 October 2019 are received and accepted by: 4,667 33 41 4,741 99.3%
Deloitte is appointed as the Society's Auditor by: 4,522 149 70 4,741 96.8%
Peter John Brickley is re-elected by: 4,518 149 74 4,741 96.8%
John Piers Williamson is re-elected by: 4,514 152 75 4,741 96.7%
Lee Frederick Bambridge is re-elected by: 4,528 133 80 4,741 97.1%
Christine Margaret Brown is elected by: 4,548 123 70 4,741 97.4%
The Directors' Remuneration Report 31 October 2019 is approved by: 4,269 337 135 4,741 92.7%

Every vote made enables the Society to further support its branch charity partners. The Society donates 15p for every paper vote cast, 50p for every vote made online and 50p for those who voted at the AGM.

4,741 members voted, raising £1,270.45 in total.

This amount will be shared between the following nine charities: Helen and Douglas House, St Michael’s Hospice, Alton Foodbank, Prior’s Court School (Hermitage), The Countess of Brecknock Hospice, The Newbury & District Cancer Care Trust, Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), Sue Ryder and The Alzheimer’s Society.

Total monies raised: £1,270.45
Postal votes: £471.45 (£0.15 per vote)
Online votes: £770.50 (£0.50 per vote)
In-attendance votes: £28.50 (£0.50 per vote).
Total votes: 4,741

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