You will need to be registered for our online service, myaccounts, to use the mobile app.
You will need your myaccounts online service username, password, and one time passcode to log in to the app for the first time. If your device supports it, you can then set up fingerprint or face ID as a secure and quick login.
If you have not registered for myaccounts, you can register here to get your username, password, memorable word by email and your verification code by post, which will enable you to login to the mobile app.
We have a responsibility to verify the name and address of all customers wishing to open an account. Identity checks are standard practice, designed to protect your funds from fraudulent activity. Wherever possible, we use an electronic verification process to check identity. In most instances, this removes the need for us to request paper identification from customers.
I have registered for myaccounts before, but what if I have forgotten my log in details?
If you are a new member to us, please go to our myaccounts homepage and select ‘Apply’. You will then be taken through our application process. Please note, we are only able to accept online applications from individuals over the age of 18 and who live in our operating area. Our operating area postcodes can be found here.
If you are an existing member using myaccounts for the first time, please go to our myaccounts homepage and select ‘Register’. You will then need to provide us with some details and we will email you a username and a link to set up your security information. You will also receive a verification code from us in the post. Once you have received this please login to your myaccounts profile, enter in the code and you will be given an option to apply for a new savings account.
If you are an existing member already with a myaccounts profile, please go to our myaccounts homepage and select ‘Login’. Once you are logged in you will be given an option to apply for a new savings account.
If you forget your username, click on 'Forgotten my username’ on the main log in page. You will receive an email to your registered email address within a few minutes containing your username.
If you forget your password, click on 'Forgotten your password' on the main log in page. You will receive an email to your registered email address within a few minutes which will enable you to reset your password. Please note if your account has been locked due to unsuccessful log in attempts you will not receive this email.
If you have forgotten your memorable word after entering your username and password, click on the ‘Forgot Memorable Word?’ link. To verify your identity a new reset code will be sent to your registered email address. Once you received the reset code, please enter it complete verification.
If your myaccounts account has been locked please contact our team on 0800 988 4857 to unlock your account. Our phones are open from 9am until 5pm Monday to Friday, from 9.30am on a Wednesday and from 9m until 12 noon on Saturdays.
You can download our myaccounts mobile app from the Google Play Store if you are using an android device, or from the App Store if you are using an Apple device.
For Apple devices, you can set up touch or face ID when you first log in to the app if you have a device and operating system which supports this functionality.
For Android devices you can use touch ID, if you have a device and operating system which supports this functionality.
View details of your Newbury savings accounts (account numbers, account types, current interest rate, balances, and historical transactions.)
Open or close an online savings account.
Withdraw funds from your Newbury savings account and send to your linked nominated account or to another Newbury savings account. (Please note the times for transfers here.)
View and/or cancel pending transactions.
Send, receive, and view secure messages, once you have entered your verification code.
Amend your personal information.
Give an account a nickname i.e. 'Dream holiday fund'.
Set a savings goal.
You will be able to view the following:
Your mortgage balance(s).
The remaining term on your mortgage(s).
The repayment type for your mortgage(s) (Capital & interest or interest only.)
The interest rate on your mortgage(s).
Payments made.
Any iOS device running 15.0 and above and any android device running 12.0 and above. This information can be found via the ‘Settings’ function on your device.
To view all your mortgage and/or savings accounts a verification code will need to be entered. The most likely reason you can’t see your accounts is because you haven’t entered the code. If you require a new code, please contact our myaccounts team on 0800 988 4857 who will be able to issue you with a new one.
Our working hours are Monday to Friday 9.00am-5.00pm, from 9.30am on a Wednesday and Saturdays from 9.00am – 12 noon.
Yes, you can use the app whilst traveling abroad, but please remember it requires an internet connection. Data roaming charges can be expensive, so please be aware and check with your data provider before using the app abroad.
Keep an eye on your device and do not leave it where others can use it.
Never store your login details on your device.
Do not write down your password/memorable word as these could be used by someone else.
Take care when using unsecured wi-fi networks, for example in coffee shops or on trains. People using the same network may find a way to access your data.
Always log-out of the app when you are finished transacting with it.