The relationship between building societies and the community

Today’s building societies are completely different to those which first arose in the 19th century.

Technological advancements, economic changes and evolving consumer expectations transformed the landscape in which we operate. One thing, however, has remained unchanged: a commitment to the community.

As a mutual organisation, the community sits at the heart of Newbury Building Society.

We were founded to meet the financial needs of savers and borrowers in the local area. This principle still holds true today. We take direction from, and seek involvement from, those within the communities we serve. As well as providing our members with the help they need to meet their financial aspirations, we are committed to working with local community groups and charities our people and customers care about.  
We support good causes in several ways, including our financial aid programme, Community Support Scheme, making donations for votes received at our Annual General Meetings, our Charity savings account, as well as general fundraising in branches and head office. We also work closely with a number of primary schools to deliver Junior Newbury Building Society (JNBS), our young person’s savings and financial education programme. Moreover, we encourage employees to undertake volunteering activities by offering a two-day paid allowance annually and we celebrate unsung volunteering heroes in our annual Community Champion Awards. 
Why do we do this? Simply: mutuality is in our DNA. 
When we opened our doors in 1856, our mission was to help people save money and to own their home. Today, we help in other ways too. It is relatively easy for large companies to throw money at needy causes and while acknowledging the real differences these substantial sums can make, we interact and donate in a different way; as well as providing financial support we invest our time and expertise. We nurture relationships with people. 
If you’re looking for a mortgage lender or a place to house your savings which cares about much more than simply ticking boxes, get in touch; you’re guaranteed a warm welcome.  

Emma Gentry Head of Marketing and Communications

Emma leads the marketing and communications team and is responsible for marketing, communications, brand and public relations.

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