Changes to Didcot, Hungerford and Winchester branch opening hours

Our branches in Didcot, Hungerford and Winchester will be open from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. Saturday operating hours (9.00am-12.00pm) will remain unchanged.

The change to opening hours applies to Hungerford and Didcot branches from 9 October 2023 and to Winchester branch upon opening after the current refurbishment being undertaken is complete. 

As you may be aware, during the COVID-19 pandemic our branch opening hours were reduced to support resourcing throughout our network of branches. We have been regularly reviewing our in-branch services and operating hours, supported by feedback from our colleagues and members and used this feedback to make a decision. We hope this change will continue to support the needs of our customers, and we will review our hours again at the end of January 2024.

In the period since the pandemic, we have seen many branch closure announcements from high street banks, some of which are in our branch towns. There has also been a shift by some other providers to reduce opening hours, citing the increase in online demand as the reason for reduced branch servicing.

Our approach to customer service remains one of blended online and branch service (which we often refer to as one of 'bricks and clicks'), and branches continue to be a vital part of our proposition. We hope you agree that these extended hours are a real positive for you, our customers.

For more information on the refurbishment of the Winchester branch - please click here

Contact us or book an appointment

If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback about opening hours, please contact us. If you'd like to book a branch appointment, you can do this by calling 01635 555700, requesting a call back, or visiting our online booking page.

Don't forget that you can also register to manage your savings accounts online with our myaccounts service.

Ella Bright Head of Branch Network (Newbury)

Ella oversees the running of the branches in the Newbury area, which includes Newbury, Thatcham, Hungerford, Abingdon and Didcot, alongside each Branch Manager.

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01635 555700

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